Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mothers Day Stress Relief Remedy ~Craft~

Mothers Day Stress Relief Remedy ~Craft~

May 6, 2011

So as I was surfing around on Facebook a few days ago, one of my favorite Blogger/Full Bible Christian/Homeschooler/Author friends Robin Sampson of Heart of Wisdom posted a link for this adorable little craft project and I just had to do it for my mom, sisters, and MIL for Mother’s Day.

I call it the Mother’s Day Stress Relief Remedy.

The first thing we did was go and buy some cheap canned fruit with the pop top lids. I cut the bottoms off so the top with the pull top would be still intact. After a few mornings of fruit for breakfast I think the kids were glad we had enough empty cans to do our craft.



Next we picked out the papers (we used scrapbook paper) that we wanted to use, keeping each person in mind that we were giving these to so that we worked with their favorite colors.


I printed out the cute little sayings and cut them to size with my paper cutter.

I pulled out my scrapbook stickers and ribbons to use for decorations and finally we had all the essentials ready to begin.


We peeled the wrapper off and measured the cans so we could cut the paper the perfect size. I worked a little math into our homeschool craft. They didn’t even catch on that they were learning.


We measured again to center the saying and glued it to our paper.


We picked out stickers that matched the color of the paper and pressed them down good.


While the stickers and tag was “setting” we filled the cans with the chocolate.


We used Hershey’s kisses and Reese's peanut butter cups.The kids kept sniffing the candy and swearing they were “smelling all the smell off.”


We placed a small piece of tissue paper in the bottom so when we hot glued it, the glue would not stick to the candy.


We hot glued the can bottoms back on. In the original instructions they said to leave a little piece of the lid attached to hold it on better but I didn’t because it turned out harder to stuff with candy. It worked fine just cutting it completely off.


We then hot glued the paper on the cans and finished up with the curly-Q ribbons on the tab.


I think the kids did a great job on them!


And those who received them thought they were just too cute!

Of course two out of three of my crazy family members had to investigate how I did it and so instead of popping the top to get into the candy, they pulled the hot glue off the bottom and opened them that way. They said they did it to see how it was all put together and because they were just too cute to mess up by opening them!

It always warms my heart to see someone surprised and pleased with a gift we make for them.

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