Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fishing Fun

Fishing Fun

August 21, 2011

We had such a good time fishing a couple weeks ago we had to do it again. This time we invited Matt to come along! We went back to the spot where the fishing were biting so good last time in hopes to have the same outcome.


Of course right off the bat Stewart catches the first little perch. He gets as excited as the kids do!

Vine Bird nests


Vine Bird Nests

August 31, 2011

I was looking at some crafting sights the other day on Facebook and came across how to make decorative twine balls. Well I am big on needing something to be functional to even bother with it and on top of that we have a love for nature so we improvised and came up with making Vine Bird Nests.




First you drag the kids out of the pool… or at least I had too! Then you give them a balloon and some non-poisonous vines.  I was worried to death they would grab some poison ivy and start working with it! That would NOT have been good!