Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mother’s Day 2011

Mother’s Day 2011

May 5, 2011

My wonderful children are procrastinators just like me. The night before Mother’s day they begged to stay up a little later because we had been off visiting family and didn’t get in till late and they did not have their computer time. I told them that was fine. I was unaware they actually wanted to stay up later to fix me a Digital Scrapbook Mother’s Day card.

The next morning Stewart snuck into the kitchen and cooked cinnamon rolls for breakfast and brought them to me in bed. Of course I thought it was so sweet but I told him I will eat in the kitchen ( I only could see sugar and crumbs in the bed if I ate there.) Stewart called the kids to turn on their computers and they had all made me a scrapbook page and had put it as their background of their computers so when the PC’s were turned on that is what I would see. In Stewart’s words, “Welcome to the digital age, mom!” I thought they did such a good job. I had them “zoop” it to a flash drive so I could blog them.

Scrapbook 16


mothers day_03


Scrapbook 5


Unfortunately, I was not feeling well at all today (just how it seems to go for me) so after breakfast I told them what I really wanted was a nap. Stewart came in and gave me a nice foot massage relaxing me so I could sleep.

After my little nap I got up and watched the rest of the movie, “G-Force”, with the family. Stewart and the kids cooked me a mom’s day dinner of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, friend okra, biscuits, and a German chocolate cake for dessert. We ate till we was stuffed. I loved the okra best, it was so good! I had Stewart and the kids run a couple plates over to my mom and dad while I took a long hot shower.

Still feeling poorly I went back for a second nap. This is most definitely a holiday for me to get to sleep as much as I did. I felt a little better after that nap. When I woke up I looked on Facebook and Stewart had posted a song “Beautiful” by Mercy Me… he says reminds him of me, which of course melts my heart. He also wrote “I love you Becky, thank you for three beautiful children, you did good, and being a wonderful inspiration are the best.....hugs and kisses....”

I went in the living room and said it was time for watermelon. The kids and Stewart jumped at that idea so we pulled out the watermelon we had bought. After that, Stewart and I watched a movie together while the kids played their computers.

These are my Mother’s day gifts, but they were purchased last week (payday week).


I am a fairly low maintenance girl, I am not one to want my husband to go out and buy me roses and things like that. He just takes me shopping and lets me have what ever I want (that we can afford.) Books, a photo editing program, and an awesome necklace is enough to keep me content for a good long time!

My Mother’s Day may not be super exciting to some but to me it was just what I wanted and needed, a relaxing quiet day at home with the love of my family around me.

I am truly blessed.

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