Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ratcliff Tall Pines Trail

Ratcliff Tall Pines Trail

February 22, 2011


Tall Pines Trail at Ratcliff is said to be only a mile and half, I swear it is the longest mile and a half I have ever walked. It may have more to do with the fact that I was sore from working on the flower bed the day before, squatting down to plant cactus is something my muscles are not used to.IMG_1421

As we headed out Adam watched the signs closely making sure we did not venture off on the 4C hiking trail that is 20 miles long.


We had not planned for it to be as chilly as it was, thankfully my kids leave half of their cloths in the car all the time so we managed to find each of them a hoodie or long sleeve shirt to wear.


As we walked along the rocked path Austin noticed some of the rock had fossils of sea shells.


 Other than a few bridges, there was not much to see.


Austin wandered around exploring and taking his own pictures.


Adam swung from every tree and vine he could find.

IMG_1433 Anna made sure she had her turn at the vines.


We come across a very large pine that had been cut down.


Austin began to count the rings but soon gave up when he realized just how tiny the rings was and how long it would take to count them.


After swinging in the vines Anna flips her hair to get the tree bark and oine straw out.


And one more good flip just to be sure.


“Mom, a cocoon!”


The trail seemed so long that we took a short cut and walked the road that passed through the trail. For a minute I was wondering if I had made a bad choice and got us lost but finally the trail sign came into view.


We walked for a while longer and come across a random fence and gate, again I worry, “Did we make a wrong turn?” The blue tag at the top of the gate post reassured me we was still on the right track.


Finally we made it back to the park road and headed back to the parking lot where we left our car. It still seemed like a long way to the car, I just kept reminding myself, “This is good for me!” I don’t think I convinced myself of that though.


A beautiful little Pine Warbler bounced along the road as it looked for it’s dinner.


Back to the bridge, not far from where we started, I watch as each of my kids line up and walk along the edge.


Adam remembered from our last trip this rocked area was probably some kind of dock. We was very glad to see the buildings in the distance.


Finally, we reach the car, a welcomed sight. It was a very uneventful hike but like I keep telling myself, “It was good for me!”

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